The Council

Composition Of Council

Composition of Council:

The Council shall consist of the following members, namely:

  1. The Minister in-charge of Education, who shall be the Chairman, ex-officio;

  2. (i)The Vice-Chairman appointed by,/li the Government from among persons having experience in the field of education;

    (ii)The Secretary to Governor, ex-officio;

  3. The Secretary to Government in-charge of Education ex-officio;

  4. The Secretary to Government in-charge of Finance, ex-officio;

  5. The Secretary, University Grants Commission or his nominee, ex-officio;

  6. The Director of Collegiate Education, ex-officio;

  7. The Director of Technical Education, ex-officio;

  8. One member nominated by the Government from among the eminent academicians or educational administrators;

  9. One member nominated by the Government from among the eminent scientists or engineers;

  10. one member nominated by the Government from among industrialists of high repute who have contributed to the cause of higher education;

  11. Two members nominated by the Government from among the Vice-Chancellors of the Universities including Vice-Chancellors of Central Universities in this State, if any;

  12. Not more than three eminent educationists co-opted by the Council; and

  13. A full time Member-Secretary appointed by the Government.

Dr. S. Krishnasamy,
Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education,
Lady Willingdon College Campus, Kamarajar Salai,
Chennai – 600 005.Ph: 044-28445570.

Dr. T. Jayasudha,
Research Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education,
Lady Willingdon College Campus, Kamarajar Salai,
Chennai – 600 005.Ph: 044-28445570.

Thiru. S. Sridhar Moorthi,
Accounts Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education,
Lady Willingdon College Campus, Kamarajar Salai,
Chennai – 600 005.Ph: 044-28445570.

The Council:

The Chairman and the Members of the Council are as follows:

  • Dr. Govi. Chezhiaan (Ex-officio)
    Chairman/ Hon’ble Minister for Higher Education
    including Technical Education, Electronics, Science
    and Technology
    Email-Id : minister_hredu[at]tn[dot]gov[dot]in
    Tel.No : 044-25671142

  • Dr. M. P. Vijayakumar, I.A.S., (Retd.,)

  • Dr. T. Jayasudha
    Member Secretary [FAC]

Ex-Officio Members:

  • Thiru. R. Kirlosh Kumar, I.A.S.,(Ex-officio)
    Secretary to His Excellency the Governor of Tamil

  • Dr. K. Gopal, I.A.S.,(Ex-officio)
    Additional Chief Secretary to Government,
    Higher Education Department

  • Thiru. T. Udhayachandran, I.A.S.,(Ex-officio)
    Principal Secretary to Government,
    Finance Department

  • Prof. Manish R. Joshi,(Ex-officio)
    University Grants Commission

  • Tmt. E. Sundaravalli, I.A.S.,(Ex-officio)
    Commissioner of Collegiate Education

  • Thiru. T. Abraham, I.A.S.,(Ex-officio)
    Commissioner of Technical Education

The other officers of the Council are:

  • Dr. R. Kanimozhi,
    Research Officer

  • Thiru. D. Chandramohan,
    Accounts Officer

  • Thiru. R. Umashankar,

The officers are assisted by subordinate staff appointed by the Council/drawn on deputation from various Government departments.


As per Right to Information Act, 2005, the following Officers of the Council are appointed as Assistance Public Information Officer, Public Information Officer and Appellate Authority

Dr. S. Krishnasamy,
Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education,
Lady Willingdon College Campus, Kamarajar Salai,
Chennai – 600 005.Ph: 044-28445570.

Dr. T. Jayasudha,
Research Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education,
Lady Willingdon College Campus, Kamarajar Salai,
Chennai – 600 005.Ph: 044-28445570.

Thiru. S. Sridhar Moorthi,
Accounts Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education,
Lady Willingdon College Campus, Kamarajar Salai,
Chennai – 600 005.Ph: 044-28445570.