About Us
Aims and Objectives

Tamil people who have either migrated or gone for employment to foreign countries due to economic reasons and the globalization of the economy, face a number of problems which need to be addressed. The Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India was deemed adequate to address these issues. However, in view of large number of Tamils living abroad, it was considered that the state must step into to protect the rights of its people, especially those from low-income groups staying abroad.
In order to look into the welfare of Non - Resident Tamils, the Commissionerate was reorganaized and a separate wing for the said purpose was created. Also the Department was re-named as “Commissionerate of Rehabilitation and Welfare of Non-Resident Tamils” with the focus predominantly in the welfare of Non- Resident Tamils. Subsequently, , the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly passed the Tamil Nadu Non-Resident Tamils Welfare Act, 2011,(Act - 4 of 2011) and the Act has been notified in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette.
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About Us
The Tamil Nadu State council for Higher Education(TANSCHE) was established by an act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly in the year 1992 for the promotion and coordination of higher education at the state level and coordination of the state level programmes with those of the University Grants commission
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget risus porta, tincidunt turpis at, interdum tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget risus porta, tincidunt turpis at, interdum tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
About US
Powers and functions of Council
Composition of Council:
The functions of the Council shall be to co-ordinate and determine standards in institutions for higher education, or research and scientific and technical institutions in accordance with the guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission, from time to time.
Prepare consolidated programmes in the sphere of higher education in the State keeping in view the overall priorities and perspectives of higher education in the State and guidelines issued by the University Grants Commission and assist in their implementation;
Assist the University Grants Commission in respect of determination and maintenance of standards and suggest remedial action wherever necessary;
Evolve perspective plans for development of higher education in the State;
Forward the developmental programmes of Universities, colleges and institutions of higher education to the University Grants Commission along with its comments and recommendations and monitor the progress of implementation of such developmental programmes;
Promote co-operation and co-ordination of institutions of higher education among themselves and explore the scope for interaction with industry and other related establishments;
Formulate norms for starting new institutions for higher education in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Government and University Grants Commission;
Suggest ways and means for augmenting additional resources for higher education in the State;
Encourage and promote innovations in curriculum development, restructuring and updating of syllabi in Universities, colleges and institutions of higher education;
Promote and co-ordinate programmes of Universities and colleges, set up a monitoring system and monitor its implementation;
Devise methods and steps to improve the standard of examinations conducted by the Universities and autonomous colleges and suggest necessary reforms;
Facilitate training of teachers in Universities and colleges and oversee the functioning of the academic staff colleges through co-ordination and promote publication of quality text books, monographs and reference books;
Develop programmes for effective academic co-operation and interaction between the faculties in the Universities and colleges and also provide mobility of teachers and students in and outside the State;
Regulate the admission in Universities, colleges and institutions of higher education;
Encourage sports, games, physical education and cultural activities in the Universities and colleges;
Encourage extension activities and promote interaction between Universities and industries in special areas relevant to the Universities and regional planning development;
Dr. S. Krishnasamy,
Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education,
Lady Willingdon College Campus,
Kamarajar Salai,
Chennai – 600 005.Ph: 044-28445570.
Dr. T. Jayasudha,
Research Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education,
Lady Willingdon College Campus, Kamarajar Salai,
Chennai – 600 005.Ph: 044-28445570.
Thiru. S. Sridhar Moorthi,
Accounts Officer,
Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education,
Lady Willingdon College Campus, Kamarajar Salai,
Chennai – 600 005.Ph: 044-28445570.